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Ubuntu Studio

Ubuntu Studio 7.04 Feisty Fawn终于在阳光灿烂的五月正式发布了。我们宿舍的峰哥和马晓飞同学不知道寄予了多少的期盼:)


添加Ubuntu Studio Repo可以按照下面的命令完成:

sudo su -c 'echo deb http://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio feisty main \

>> /etc/apt/sources.list'

wget -q http://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio.gpg -O- | \

sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update


  • ardour – Digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface) (This is Ardour 2)
  • ardour-i686 – Digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface) [i686] (This is Ardour 2)
  • ubuntustudio-desktop – Makes up our base desktop install
  • buntustudio-audio – Ubuntu Studio audio package
  • ubuntustudio-audio-plugins – Ubuntu Studio audio plugins package
  • ubuntustudio-graphics – Ubuntu Studio graphics package
  • ubuntustudio-video – Ubuntu Studio video package
  • ubuntustudio-artwork – UbuntuStudio themes and artwork
  • ubuntustudio-gdm-theme – Ubuntu Studio GDM theme
  • ubuntustudio-icon-theme – UbuntuStudio Icon theme
  • ubuntustudio-look – Ubuntustudio look (metapackage)
  • ubuntustudio-session-splashes – Ubuntu Studio Session splashes
  • ubuntustudio-sounds – Ubuntu Studio’s GNOME audio theme
  • ubuntustudio-screensaver – Ubuntu Studio’s floating logo screensaver
  • ubuntustudio-theme – Ubuntu Studio look – GTK and Metacity theme
  • ubuntustudio-wallpapers – Ubuntu Studio – Wallpapers
  • usplash-theme-ubuntustudio – Usplash theme for Ubuntustudio
  • wired – Audio creation free software for Linux

还有一点,你在Ubuntu上也能安装Ubuntu Studio的theme,执行下面的操作:

sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-artwork

Ok,试试这个美丽的新系统吧,相信使用了Beryl的Ubuntu Studio将非常cool:)

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